Monday, May 07, 2007
Speaking in Tongues

Has anyone ever heard anyone speak in tongues? Or actually spoken in tongues themselves? Sometime when I have more time on my hands, I'd like to get into this subject...but for now I'd like to hear some feedback/experiences you have had with this.


Erika on 10:18 PM

Friday, May 04, 2007
On Being Joyful and Content

This past week has been so amazing for me! Nothing earth shattering happened, in fact, nothing even slightly significant happened. But I have been feeling so full of life, full of the Holy Spirit. I feel as though it is dripping out every part of me! I am content and full of joy and in love with living for and serving God. I am finally free! I have two poems from Bradley Hathaway here for you to read; they pretty much describe how I feel.

On Being Joyful and Content
I'm ecstatic!
And my thoughts are uncontrollably sporadic!
Yet centered around one center: Joy.

In plush ripe tones
joy is rushing through my bones!
If joy were a color, it would be purple, pastel, pretty.
Like old women and young children
both wear on easter
Smiling while having deviled eggs
and drinking kool-aid

Chasing blown bubbles
in the backyard
The young ones' distracting hats
fly off...And the old ones laugh a contagious laughter that is to be shared by everyone there

The sun shines down upon them
as all of their physical imperfections
gleam beautifully, and inside, inside I feel like this!
and I look outside my window
and imagine the future: purple, pastel, pretty moments of joy
that I will one day have with my husband.
My children.
My friends.
My family.

I really look forward to those moments.
But I am thankful for the one that I am having right now.
This morning.
On my couch.

Overwhelmed by joy.

I Felt Really Good This Day, Yes
You’re pouring your love all over me and it’s dripping off the tops and sides and bottoms and middles of trees full of splendid little busy bees about doing your purpose how can this be? That you’ve let my heart to see and experience and take in and now to sing… sing sing sing about your love to everybody anybody or the somebody that’s considered a nobody but they are special to thee and for that I thank thee that these things have been shown to me.

Keep this mercy falling down down and this grace falling down down… on the top of my scalp dripping off of my nose down around my bellybutton all the way to my pinky toe cuticle that you made and for that it is cool. Sometimes I play the fool but still your love is all around, sprouting from the ground here and there and everywhere especially on this floor that I now stand.

And how amazingly awesome is your plan that cannot be thwarted by any man no matter how big or strong or ugly or evil he be, because through you is victory. And it’s victory that I now speak of and have to let out of my skin because for too long it’s been contained therein.

Lord I praise you because you are different and efficient. And you’ve tweaked my spirit just enough so that I can taste and see that you truly are good. Like a fresh picked pineapple for the first time in my mouth or the warmth of your sun on the back of my not warm neck on a not warm day. I praise your name today and tomorrow and forever.

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Erika on 6:04 PM

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Looking for the perfect guy? It may be easier than you think! Gillette Venus Breeze has this website up, called Manquarium where girls can design their perfect guy and then watch him swim or something like that! I find this really funny...but pretty sad that we've sunk to creating virtual boyfriends. Oh well. Check it out if you have the time!

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Erika on 10:01 PM