Sunday, August 24, 2008
Drumroll, please...

And the award for the most neglected blog goes to...(insert drumroll here)


Hmm...that wasn't really surprising now, was it?

But have no fear! I am back (and hopefully to stay)!


Summer is almost over...and I must say, it wasn't really what I expected it to be, but it was really good, and I learned a lot.

So here's the thought for tonight:

I was thinking about what it says in Matthew 5 about being "salt and light". Light is something I think we all can envision quite easily: it is visible, it shines, it can not be extinguished by the darkness. But salt? I had never thought about it before, but I realized that I have no idea how it would look for me to be salt in the world.

I've found two interpretations on it:
1) Salt was used in ancient medicine as a tactic to heal wounds faster. So therefore, as a Christian, to be salt means that I am meant to rub myself deep into the wounds of humanity, as an aid to help heal the world's scars.
2) Salt was used as a preservative, so as Christians we are to preserve what is pure and right in the world.

What do you think?


Erika on 11:14 PM